Staff: David Weber, Deputy Fire Marshall Francis Stepien, Deputy Fire Marshall Heather Lotito, Information Aide
Address: 4600 W. Genesee Street Syracuse, NY 13219
Business hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday (except Holidays)
Phone: 315-487-8930 Fax: 315-487-6976
The Code Enforcement Office coordinates the following:
· Building
Permits ·
Inspections ·
Information ·
Compliance Inspections ·
Violation Investigations ·
Safety Inspections ·
Zone Management and Information (FEMA Maps) ·
Management – Construction Inspections, Complaints, Site Development PERMIT APPLICATIONS: CLICK BELOW to fill out an application for
All Building Permit Categories. New to Cloudpermit? Click below to CREATE AN

VIDEO: How To Submit an Application How To Use Cloudpermit (pdf)
BUILDING PERMITS: Building permits are required for the erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, removal, improvement, demolition, conversion, or change in the nature of any building, structure, or swimming pool. Permits are not required for ordinary repairs that are not structural in nature or do not involve alteration of structural, fire protection, or exit features. The Code Enforcement Office staff is available to discuss any planned projects and review what permits/approvals may be required. The following is a list of common projects for which a building permit is required:
- New home construction
- Home additions (porch, garage, sunroom, etc.)
- Decks: see Deck Guide for permits; see Deck Consumer Checklist for additional information
- Swimming pools
- Fences
- Storage sheds
- Signs
- Wood stoves, fireplaces, and other solid fuel heating devices
- Generators
- Site Development
(Clearing, grading, fill, change of grade)
- Demolition
Building permits may be obtained by presenting to the Code Enforcement Office a current survey of the land on which the proposed work is to be done, a statement of the use or occupancy of all parts of the land and buildings, a brief description of the proposed work along with a cost estimate, a set of project construction plans, the full name and address of the property owner/applicant, proof of workers compensation (see below) and a statement that the work shall be performed in compliance with the Uniform Code, applicable state/local laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations.
CHANGE OF TENANT IN EXISTING COMMERCIAL BUILDING A tenant change in an existing building necessitates the owner, property manager or prospective tenant to contact the Code Enforcement Office to determine what may be required with regard to a building permit. At a minimum a Fire Safety inspection is required before a Certificate of Compliance can be issued.
PROOF OF WORKERS COMPENSATION Please note that ACORD forms are NOT acceptable proof of New York State workers’ compensation. Under Workers’ compensation law (WCL) Section 57, businesses requesting permits, licenses or seeking to enter into contracts must provide ONE of the following forms to the entity issuing the permit or entering into a contract.
The following are acceptable forms:
·CE-200 Certificate of Attestation of Exemption From New York State Workers’ Compensation and/or Disability Benefits Insurance Coverage; OR
·C-105.2 (9-07) Certificate of Workers’ Compensation Insurance; OR
·U-26.3 State Insurance Fund’s version of the C-105.2 form; OR
·SI-12 Certificate of Workers’ Compensation Self-Insurance (the business calls the Board's Self- Insurance Office at 518-402-0247); OR
·GSI-105.2 Certificate of Participation in Workers’ Compensation Group Self-Insurance (2-02)
If there are no employees the contractor can complete the CE-200 “Certificate of Attestation For New York entities With No Employees And Certain Out Of State Entities, that New York state Workers’ Compensation And/Or Disability Benefits Insurance Coverage Is Not Required”. The new form CE-200 will be valid for a single building permit only. Form CE-200 can be filled out electronically on the Board’s website, under the heading “Forms.” Applications filing electronically are able to print a finished Form CE-200 immediately upon, completion of the electronic application. Applicants without access to a computer may obtain a paper application for the CE-200 by writing or visiting the Customer Service Center at any District Office of the Workers’ Compensation Board.
Homeowners must complete the online application for the CE-200: Workman's Compensation Exemptions online WORK IN A FLOOD PLAIN If you live in the 100-Year Flood Zone, a Flood Plain Development Permit must be applied for along with your Building Permit for ANY work. In some cases, a Flood Plain Permit must be obtained for work that does not require a Building Permit (such as siding, windows, painting, grading, etc.).
STORMWATER PERMIT AND REGULATED CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES During any construction if you will be disturbing 1 or more acres, please visit the following websites for more information about the requirements of the Phase II Stormwater Permit Program and Regulated Construction Activities:
CNY Regional Planning & Development Board NYS Department of Environmental Conservation US Environmental Protection Agency
ASBESTOS Important information regarding Asbestos
BUILDING INSPECTIONS Building inspections are conducted during construction to ensure compliance with all codes and laws. An inspection is required upon completion of each stage of construction, including but not limited to:
- Building location
- Site preparation
- Excavation
- Footings/foundation
- Framing
- Superstructure
- Electrical
- Plumbing
- Heating & air conditioning
- Fire protection equipment
It is the responsibility of the owner, applicant, or their agent to inform the Code Enforcement Officer that the work is ready for inspection and to schedule the inspection.
The following third party inspection agencies are the ONLY approved Electrical Inspectors in the Town of Camillus:
Commonwealth Electrical Insp. Service, Inc. Gene Spencer: 315-446-7871 (Cell) Brian Fenner: 315-440-4070
The Inspector Timothy Willsey: 315-247-9162 or Main Office: 1-800-487-0535
Middle Dept. Inspection Agency Main Office: 585-454-5191
Central New York Electrical Insp. Services LLC Larry Kinne: 315-633-0027
Upstate Electrical Inspection Agency Aaron Bellows: 315-452-5304
CHICKENS Click here to view the regulations on harboring chickens within the Town.
FIRE/LIFE SAFETY INSPECTIONS All commercial and multiple residential buildings require periodic fire/life safety inspections for compliance with the Building Code of New York State. Annual inspections are conducted on all places of public assembly and periodic inspections are conducted on all multiple residences and commercial buildings.
Occupied dwelling units may be inspected at the invitation of the occupant or where conditions on the premises threaten or present a hazard to public health, safety, or welfare.
LEAD PAINT New EPA rules require more care around lead paint. Important information regarding renovations and lead paint for the homeowner and contractor.
MOLD POLICY The following information is a brief overview of the issue
of Mold. The information contained herein is sourced mainly from Onondaga
County and the New York State Department of Health and Labor.
Mold growth occurs when excessive moisture accumulates in
buildings or on building materials (insulation, carpet, ventilations systems,
etc.). Mold growth is found everywhere: indoors and outdoors. Controlling
moisture is the most important strategy for reducing indoor mold growth.
Mold remediation becomes an immediate concern when there is
a leak from plumbing or from a roof. These causes of water in the building are
required to be eliminated. It is impossible to “mold proof” your house.
However, you can manage mold growth by controlling indoor humidity levels. To
prevent mold from coming back in the future you must remedy the underlying
source of the moisture.
Mold issues can often be fixed by the building occupant. RENTAL DWELLING UNITS There is currently no
federal law covering a landlord’s responsibilities when it comes to mold. Also,
New York State and the Town of Camillus do not have any laws that specifically
address a landlord’s duties or liability when it comes to mold prevention and
remediation or mold disclosure. Tenants may wish to review the New York State
Renters Rights Guide concerning information on landlord and tenant issues tenants_rights.pdf (
OPEN BURNING AND RECREATIONAL FIRES Fire Code of the New York State - Open Burning and Recreational Fires: Information on open burning and recreational fires. Additionally New York State DEC has regulations regarding clean air. For further information you may visit their website.
POOLS Pools (in ground or above ground / temporary or permanent) that are 24 or more inches deep require a building permit. NYS law requires the pool to have a barrier around it. NYS law requires that the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (the Uniform Code) provide that any “residential or commercial swimming pool constructed or substantially modified after the effective date of this paragraph (December 14, 2006) shall be equipped with an acceptable pool alarm capable of detecting a child entering the water and of giving an audible alarm.” The alarm must meet the Safety and Performance Requirements of the ASTM International Pool Alarm Standard F 2208. Pool Brochure
SIGNS View the Town's laws regarding signs. This is an excerpt from Municipal Code Chapter 30-Zoning Regulations, which may be viewed here.
SOLAR Click here for information about the solar permitting and inspection process.
FEE SCHEDULE Click to see current Fee Schedule
FORMS Below are the standard forms used by the Code Enforcement Office: Building Permit Requirements Checklist Building Information Form Certificate of Compliance Application Certificate of Occupancy Application Demolition Permit Application Driveway Permit Application Fire Prevention-Fireworks Display Permit Rental Registry Application Residential Fence Permit Requirements SEQR Environmental Assessment Form (short) Site Development Permit Application Unified Residential Solar PV Permitting Application Zoning Board of Appeals Application |