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Celeste Karakas

Ann Clancy, Real Property Appraisal Aide
Joyce Hart, Clerk

4600 W. Genesee Street
Syracuse, NY 13219

Business hours:
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Monday through Friday
(except holidays)

Phone: (315) 487-7574
Fax: (315) 487-5568

Grievance forms and instructions

Assessment Roll

If turning 65 this year, please contact the Assessor's office prior to March 1.

The Assessor’s office is responsible for setting and maintaining assessments, retaining and updating inventory records, processing and storing deeds on all transfers and administering exemptions on over 10,000 parcels.  We also have property record cards which contain the history of each parcel from the early 60’s to today. 

We receive copies of all permits issued by the Code Enforcement department.  This permit information is recorded on our computers and property record cards and then reviewed; assessments and/or inventory are updated.  Our Assessor and staff do our field work, taking photos of each property and updating our inventory cards.  This information as well as sale information is one of the guidelines used for assessing.

New STAR applicants will receive a credit in the form of a check directly from New York State instead of receiving a school property tax exemption.  New Basic and Enhanced STAR applicants need to register with the New York State Tax Department to receive a STAR check.  Visit or call 518-457-2036 to register.

The Office still administers existing Basic and Enhanced STAR exemptions (RP-425) and the Senior Citizen Low Income exemptions (RP-467).  Renewals are sent yearly.

There are other various exemptions offered to property owners.  Applications are available either online or at the office.  For more information or to download forms please visit the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance website, click on “property owners“, “exemptions“, and follow guidelines.  The following is a list of common exemptions administered by this office:      

Agricultural (RP-305)
Business (RP-485)
-Disability and Limited Income (RP-459)
Solar (RP-487)
-Veteran (RP-458)

Your assessment or value is based on the prior year’s sales and your property’s unique information or data.  The office is responsible to maintain, update and record any changes to over 10,000 parcels. Data is available online at the Onondaga County’s website.  This site also offers comparable sales, grievance questions and forms (RP-524) as well as tax maps.  All this information is reviewed yearly by the New York State Office of Real Property to maintain 100% equalization. 

Informal appointments are available after May 1st to discuss any concerns.  Please call the office for schedules.  Grievance Day is always available if you still have concerns about your assessment.  Grievance Day is the fourth Tuesday in May.



March 1:  Taxable Status Date
Property Assessment is based on a property's ownership and condition on this date.   Exemption applications and renewals must be filed by March 1st to affect the following September’s school tax bill and January property tax bill.

May 1:  Tentative Assessment Roll Filed
Property owners will be notified of any changes to their assessments at this time.

4th Tuesday in May:  Grievance Day
Property owners may appear or file a grievance complaint form if they feel their assessment is incorrect.  Grievance forms will be available in the Assessor’s Office at the end of April.  The tentative assessment roll is also available for inspection prior to grievance day.  After Grievance Day, letters outlining the Assessment Board of Review’s decision will be sent to property owners.

July 1:  Final Assessment Roll Filed
All changes from Grievance Day are entered on the final roll.  The following September school tax and January property tax bills are based on the assessment as of July 1.

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