Planning Board |
Chairperson: Tracy Lauer
Board Members: Scott GaspariniFred Hudson Donald Klaben Jason Mallore
Staff:Paul Curtin, Attorney Chuck White, Engineer Beth McDonough, Clerk Address: 4600 W. Genesee Street Syracuse, NY 13219 Phone:
315-487-8930 The Planning Board is a five member Board appointed by the Town Board for a term of five years. The Planning Board investigates, reports, and makes recommendations in connection with site plans for development within the Town and may be called upon by the Town Board or Zoning Board of Appeals to make recommendations with regard to issues before those Boards.
MISSION STATEMENTTo provide a comprehensive review of subdivision and site plan applications while encouraging sound, flexible, creative design for the current and future development of the community while maintaining a professional and business friendly atmosphere.
PROCESS A site plan consists of a rendering or drawing prepared to scale with all necessary details to portray the arrangement, layout, and design of the site to be developed. Site plans are required when a building or structure is to be erected, when a building or structure is altered such that its footprint or façade is altered, when vehicular or pedestrian movement or walkways are altered, when surface water drainage is altered, when exterior lighting is installed or altered, or when designed landscaping is installed or altered. In the process of coming to a decision on the site plan, the Planning Board considers the geometric characteristics of all structures and related improvements, the aesthetic characteristics such as design, texture, materials, colors, and illumination, and the physical attributes of the site including size, shape, elevation, topography, and natural vegetation. The Planning Board also examines compliance with the laws of the Town, any possible adverse impact the proposed use may have on the surrounding properties and neighborhoods, the physical and visual compatibility with the surrounding neighborhood, accessibility of emergency services, handicapped accessibility, public safety issues, hours of operation, parking and loading facilities, and snow storage amongst other things.
Planning Information:
Town of Camillus Comprehensive Plan
Syracuse-Onondaga County Subdivision Guidelines
FORMS Please email the Planning Board Clerk or call 315-487-8930 to determine which forms you need to submit. All applications submitted must include one original, five copies, and one digital copy of all paperwork and maps as well as the appropriate fees. Application deadline is 4:00 pm the Tuesday prior to the meeting date.
Agenda Related Items:
Mater Dei-2625 Warners Road Master Plan-File available in the Town Clerk's Office
First Ukrainian Pentecostal Church-3875 Warners Road
MINUTES Click below to view the minutes of each Planning Board meeting.
Minutes From Past Years
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Wednesday, May 29, 2024 |
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Planning Board Pre-Meeting |
Government Event |
May 29, 6:30 PM |
The Planning Board pre-meeting takes place in Conference Room 2. |
Planning Board Meeting |
Government Event |
May 29, 7:00 PM |
The Planning Board meets in the Board Room, Male Avenue entrance. |
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